Friday, April 25, 2008

on the road again

I'm not a terribly important person in my company. Even in my mind - where I vastly inflate my importance - I still don't warrant business cards. My paychecks show up in the mail addressed to CURRENT RESIDENT. I'm a simple cog in the salt mine, toiling away on the front lines (probably because I mix metaphors and nobody likes that guy). But for some reason that I didn't see coming, I find myself at the center of a maelstrom of work all depending on me and all scattered to the four winds. So my travel schedule looks like so:

now: San Jose, CA

4/26 - 5/3 Melbourne, Australia

5/4 - 5/8 face down on my couch cursing jet lag

5/9 - 5/19 sailboat delivery from Bahamas to NJ

5/26 - 5/30 San Jose, CA

6/2 - 6/6 Denver, CO

So, gentle readers, the pickin's might be a bit sparse round here at Leaving Normal for the foreseeable future. I haven't forgotten about this blog or those of you who are awesome enough to consistently stop by.

It's just that I'm a very important person.

1 comment:

aileen said...

have a great trip(s) mr. importante.